
MUD and Server

All technical details about the server and the domain used.

Zap - zap ɑƬ icewindmud ɖɵʈ org


The LAW-Arches are watching us... They keep an eye on law and order. If you have questions, complaints or if you feel that someone treated you unfairly you may contact Athena via the following address:

Athena - your_daisy ɑƬ startmail ɖɵʈ no

Design and content of the webpage

If you have suggestions, problems, bug-reports, or anything else connected to Icewinds Webpage please contact Ghorwin or Fugetassen:

Fugetassen - tore ɖɵʈ henriksen ɑƬ gmail ɖɵʈ com

last changes: Jan 21, 2018 - Zap