longsword.c - example for course 02

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/* Filename      : longsword.c
 * Description   : a simple weapon 
 * written       : 30-09-1996 - Gunner
 * last modified : 30-09-1996 - Gunner
 * HTML-Version  : 22-01-2000 - Ghorwin

#include <mudlib.h>
inherit I_WEAPON;               // inherit "/std/weapon.c"

    set_name("shiny longsword");
    add_id(({"sword","longsword","shiny sword","shiny longsword","new sword",
        "new longsword","brand new sword","brand new longsword"}));
    set_short("A shiny longsword");
    set_long("The longsword almost shines in the light. It seems "
        "to be a brand new sword.\n");
    set_weight(2);              // A left-hander...
    set_class(10);              // How good is the weapon?
    set_damage_type("slash");   // What kind of damage does it do?
    set_weapon_type("sword");   // What type of weapon is this?
    add_property("iron");       // Always remember the properties...