spectacles.c and specfuncs.c - examples for course 09

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/* Filename      : spectacles.c
 * Description   : special item to assess monsters
 * written       : 05-10-1996 - Gunner
 * last modified : 28-05-1998 - Gunner
 * HTML-Version  : 06-02-2000 - Ghorwin

#include <mudlib.h>
inherit I_ARMOUR;

#define FUNC "/doc/crashcourse/course09/specfuncs"

    set_name("assessment spectacles");
    add_id(({"spectacles","pair of spectacles","pair of assessment spectacles",
        "strange spectacles","special spectacles"}));
    set_short("A pair of spectacles");
    set_long("This is a pair of spectacles. They look kinda strange. "
        "Wonder what's so special about them...\n");
    set_type("helmet");     // Helmet? Ah, well.. Closest.. ;-)
    set_info("These specs are useful for assessing monsters.\n");



/* Filename      : specfuncs.c
 * Description   : the functionfile for spectacles.c
 * written       : 05-10-1996 - Gunner
 * last modified : 28-05-1998 - Gunner
 * HTML-Version  : 06-02-2000 - Ghorwin

#include <mudlib.h>
#include "/doc/crashcourse/defs.h"
inherit I_DAEMON;

 * assess : The assessment function
assess(object spectacles, string arg)
    string pro, message;
    object mon;
    int str, dex, hp, sp, sum;

    if (!spectacles->query_worn_by()) return 0;    // They're not worn...
    if (!arg)
        NOT_FAIL("Assess who?\n");

    mon = present(arg,ENV(TP));
    if (!mon)
        NOT_FAIL(arg + " is not here.\n");

    if (!living(mon) || Q_NOMAGIC(ENV(TP)))
        NOT_FAIL("Somehow that's not possible.\n");

    str   = mon->query_str() - TP->query_str();
    dex   = mon->query_dex() - TP->query_dex();
    hp    = mon->query_hp();
    sp    = mon->query_sp();

    pro = Q_PRO(mon);
    message = "You notice that " + pro + " is ";
    sum = str + dex;

    switch (sum)
        case -1000..-10 : message += "much weaker than you";    break;
        case -9..-1     : message += "weaker than you";         break;
        case 0          : message += "just a strong as you";    break;
        case 1..10      : message += "stronger than you";       break;
        case 11..20     : message += "much stronger than you";  break;
        case 30..1000   : message += "strong as a god";         break;
        default         : message += "possibly strong";         break;

    message += ", and " + pro + " ";

    switch (hp)
        case 0..50          : message += "has a fragile constitution";      break;
        case 51..100        : message += "has a weak constitution";         break;
        case 101..300       : message += "is quite healthy";                break;
        case 301..500       : message += "has a strong constitution";       break;
        case 501..1000      : message += "has a very good constitution";    break;
        case 1001..10000    : message += "has a godgiven health";           break;
        default             : message += "has a weird health";              break;

    message += ".\n" + CAP(pro) + " ";

    switch (sp)
        case 0..50          : message += "has some small magical powers";   break;
        case 51..100        : message += "has some modest magical powers";  break;
        case 101..300       : message += "has some magical powers";         break;
        case 301..500       : message += "could be a strong spellcaster";   break;
        case 501..1000      : message += "could be a powerful spellcaster"; break;
        case 1001..10000    : message += "might be a godsent spellcaster";  break;
        default             : message += "is an impossible spellcaster";    break;

    message += ".\n";

    tell_object(TP, "As you gaze through the spectacles at " + arg +
        ", you notice something about " + Q_OBJ(mon) + ".\n" + message);
    return 1;