defs.h - definition file

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/* Filename      : defs.h
 * Description   : definition file
 * written       : 02-10-1996 - Gunner
 * last modified : 31-05-1998 - Gunner
 * HTML-Version  : 30-01-2000 - Ghorwin
 *         !IMPORTANT!  
 * NEVER use '//' as a comment in a line with a define
 * EVERYTHING after the define-keyword will be used in the 
 * sourcecode - a line containing '//' will make the rest of the line
 * in the sourcecode a comment - therefore produce an error

/* COURSE.05 */

#define TO              this_object()
#define PR              previous_object()
#define TP              this_player()

/* COURSE.06 */

#define CAP(xx)         capitalize(xx)
#define ENV(xx)         environment(xx)
#define Q_NAME(xx)      xx->query_name()
#define Q_RNAME(xx)     xx->query_real_name()
#define Q_PRO(xx)       xx->query_pronoun()     /* He/She/It   */
#define Q_OBJ(xx)       xx->query_objective()   /* Him/Her/It  */
#define Q_POSS(xx)      xx->query_possessive()  /* His/Her/Its */
#define Q_ATT(xx)       xx->query_attack()
#define Q_NOFIGHT(xx)   xx->query_property("no_fight")
#define Q_NOMATT(xx)    xx->query_property("no_mattack")
#define NOT_FAIL(xx)    return notify_fail(xx)
#define HELPDIR         "/doc/crashcourse/course06/help/"

#define Q_SP(xx)        xx->query_sp()
#define Q_HP(xx)        xx->query_hp()
#define Q_LVL(xx)       xx->query_level()
#define Q_STR(xx)       xx->query_str()
#define Q_DEX(xx)       xx->query_dex()
#define Q_CON(xx)       xx->query_con()
#define Q_INT(xx)       xx->query_int()

#define R_HP(xx,yy)     xx->reduce_hit_point(yy)
#define R_SP(xx,yy)     xx->reduce_spell_point(yy)

#define Q_BUSY(xx)      xx->query_busy_next_round()
#define S_BUSY(xx)      xx->set_busy_next_round()

/* COURSE.09 */

#define C_BOLD          "%^BOLD%^"
#define C_END           "%^END%^"

#define Q_NOTELEIN(xx)  xx->query_property("no_telein")
#define Q_NOMAGIC(xx)   xx->query_property("no_magic")
#define Q_NOPET(xx)     xx->query_property("no_pet")

/* COURSE.13 */

#define Q_GUILD(xx)     xx->query_guild()
#define FAIL(xx)        { write(xx); return 1; }